Dear Airline, Dedham and Orrington Families, 2/3/2021
I hope this letter finds you and your family doing well. This has been a challenging year for everyone and your continued support has allowed us to stay in session. I would like to thank you for all you have done this year to allow us to provide our students with as much in-person learning as possible. Our partnership has allowed us to maximize student’s academics while maintaining safety for all.
February 12, 2021 is the last school day before break and classes will resume February 22, 2021. If you travel outside of Maine, please be aware that the exempt state list and most recent travel guidance may be found on the state’s website: Travel Guidance FAQ In following the Maine state guidance, if you travel outside of Maine to a non-exempted state, please plan for COVID-19 testing and provide the necessary documentation to the school nurse upon your return. Alternatively if you plan to quarantine for 10 days before returning to school please contact your school’s main office to let us know your plans. Further information may be found at: Travel Updates
We continue to remain vigilant and follow the guidelines in order to have our students in our buildings. Please continue to conduct student screening at home before your child leaves for school by following the daily checklist found here: Pre-Screening Tool If you find out you or your family has had exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please contact your school as soon as possible and keep your child home. General COVID-19 information may be obtained by dialing 211. If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact your school’s main office, located below
If you are concerned with how your child is doing emotionally you can contact the NAMI MAINE HELPLINE. Their number is 800-464-5767, press 1 ( Here is a link with additional hotline numbers: Their direct number is (207)287-3703. You are encouraged to let your school know if you or your child(ren) are experiencing difficulty, we are here to help. You can use the number 2-1-1 to get general information regarding the Coronavirus outbreak in Maine. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
James Stoneton II, Superintendent of Schools