Dedham boys over Holbrook, 3-0 & Dedham girls defeat Holbrook, 3-1 today in soccer.

Today’s games @ Holbrook are a ‘go’. Boys play first @ 3:30.

The first AOS #47 test call has been sent for our notification system. It is a new system this year with the caller ID being from Arkansas. Please contact the school office if you did not receive the call or would like to change or update contact information.

Veazie Girls over Dedham, 5-1. Veazie Boys over Dedham, 7-1 in today’s soccer games.

The Demons take on the Veazie Vikings today in soccer @ Dedham. The girls
play first at 3:30. GO DEMONS!

Dedham Girls XC Team wins Mid-Maine League Invitational! Boys place 3rd. Way to go Demons!

The Dedham XC teams will compete with the other Mid-Maine League teams today @ the Veazie Community School @ 4:15. Boys will run first. Go Demons!

Soccer Results: Dedham Girls-3, PCS-0
PCS Boys-8, Dedham-0

Don't forget...our first home soccer game is today at 3:30 vs. PCS. Girls will play first.

Both XC teams finished 2nd in Thursday’s meet. Great job, kids!

Home XC meet today at 4:15; The boys run first.

School Board Meeting @ 6 PM tonight in the Library.

Please join PTF for our FIRST meeting of the year! We will be holding a fun gathering before our first meeting and hope you can make it! September 10th @ 6pm.....at Dedham School. We will have coffee, juice and cookies and conversation! Childcare will be provided.

An Internet Safety Presentation for Parents/Students in grades 5-8 will be held in the Dedham School Gym on Monday, September 9th from 6:00-7:00pm. Army Chief Warrant Officer 4 Kevin Moncrieffe will be in Dedham to conduct the presentation.

The Parent Sports Information Night for parents and students in Grades 5-8 who will be participating in sports at Dedham School this year will be held tonight at 6:00pm in the Dedham Gym.